A Consistent Voice Is Critical To Reflecting A Consistent Brand

A consistent voice.  THAT is one of the most effective ways to be sure your company’s message is getting through.  A consistent voice is the most powerful way to speak to your prospects about your brand.  

From the content on your web site and blogs to the copy in your trade ads, sales letters and collateral material to any media or digital advertising you may do, the tone and manner of your communication is something you want to be sure is coming across in a consistent, informative and persuasive way.

A lot of companies underestimate the power of consistency in their communications. In fact, many companies ignore the notion altogether. This is mainly because they lack the basic understanding that the tone and manner of their communications are the main elements that define the character of their brand or their company. And that companies, like people, are judged by the quality of their character.

Left Brain and Right Brain Functions.

While the benefit and support for your product or service work on the analytical side of the prospect’s brain, the brand character, or tone and manner, work on the emotional side, helping to paint a picture of the company as an entity they want to do business with…that they would trust…that would also do the best for them.

The art of persuasion is one in which the analytical and emotional sides of the communication work together, so the prospect takes away the facts about the product or service and, equally as importantly, a good feeling about it.

Because a lot of this engagement happens subconsciously in the prospect’s brain, the writer must be very careful in how he chooses to phrase his messages. Inconsistency breeds confusion and the minute the prospect becomes confused by mixed signals they are being sent, you can lose them.

The Power Of A Consistent ‘Voice’ Should Never Be Underestimated.

Consistency and character in communications are always beneficial improvements to a company’s image.

The brand character element of your company’s communication strategy should define the tone and manner for all communications. Inconsistency in voice will invariably occur when proper attention is not paid to a strong, clear working definition of your company’s brand character.

Many communication writers tend to concern themselves mainly with the development of big ideas that will attract attention to the company they are promoting. And this is fine. But attracting the prospect’s attention is no guarantee of a sale. Because even if they become attracted, they are going to want more information before making their decision. And how persuasively this information is communicated to them is critical.

The Character of Bullet Proof

At Bullet Proof, you will find that both Charlene and I are experienced enough in a wide range of business situations to know how to keep things grounded and on track.

It starts with the basics like understanding that your business is a system that needs to be both simple and adaptable enough to create real efficiencies and deal with many possible eventualities.

Your company’s brand is no different. It needs to be crystal clear in terms of what the company stands for, and what the company believes their clients or customers are really looking for in a business relationship.

Putting the two critical elements of organization and communication together are the systemic and marketing engines that will drive your business forward.

If any of what you have just read has struck a chord with you, we should talk. Because if your business is not optimizing every opportunity to effectively organize its internal systems or positively connect with prospects, then it’s basically squandering that opportunity.

And that simply does not have to be the case.

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