How is the Most Tedious of All  

One of the coolest things about living in the middle of wine country is the grape and wine festivals which occur in the early summer and early fall. (oops, and of course, there is the ice-wine festival in January.) Definitely, as the region gleefully gets back to pre-COVID business levels, it sure feels like there

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Branding: The Tail of the Nights

Branding and refreshes. Last week, I shared with you my rebranding. And if you were one of the many who generously played tester or sent me helpful comments, here’s a huge thank you from my heart to yours. I also promised to tell you how The Knights of the Round Table found their way into

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So this Happened

I received the oddest email on March 31st of this year, which partly went. “… read your article on Medium and was very pleased with both your writing style and analysis. Is there any chance you’re interested in growing your brand/business or adding another revenue stream? I’m looking to partner with a few select authors

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So, I Met This Very Able Guy

I want to chat about something I saw in the dis-able bodied world that is truly inspiring. First, a personal story. I will fail the walking part if the police ever pull me over during a RIDE inspection. The brain injury I had several years ago left me with balance issues. Even when I am

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How Good is Your POV?

POV?   I mean Point of View! Many believe the Great Resignation movement is underway right now. And much of the conversation is around how a supply chain can function without an adequate supply of humans.  However, there is another pressing issue. One that many business owners may not be aware of. Imagine what will happen

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HTTP and Random Tech Stuff: Part 1

The world of tech is quite bizarre. Even to a techie. Definitely to a non-techie. As a resident Luddite (non-techie), I want to spend some time this month sharing things I just happened to stumble upon. “This site is not safe!” Depending on the firewalls or security protections you have, you might see this error

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Take a Stand!

I want to encourage you to take a stand!  To climb onto your soapbox! Huh?  Let me show you how it makes you stand up and stand apart from all your competition. Remember a couple of years ago, when we were in the middle of the election season? Well, one sunny day, an older gentleman

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Joint Venture: Marketing? Sales? Scams?

I don’t have to tell you that the pandemic decimated the income streams of so many businesses. And in the mad scramble to keep money coming in, you might have encountered or heard increasing use of an old term. Joint Ventures. As in, let’s do a joint venture together and find us some money. Today,

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Does Your Prospecting Fit the Times?

These COVID times have sharpened our thinking, haven’t they? With less free cash to spare, just about all of us are paying closer attention to the products/services we buy and to how we get pitched. Because wasting money or making a big mistake is simply not allowed right now. And for those of us pitching

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Do You FUSS over your Customers?

In the last post, I introduced you to my friend with the golden voice. He also has a golden pen. And it turns out he and I share more than a few common concepts about how customers should be treated. I have my ‘make love to your customers’ philosophy and he has his make a

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