Ways to Manage Better

My tagline used to say, ‘Ideas and Thoughts to Bullet Proof Your Business Now.’ I changed it for 2024 to ‘Considering Ways to Manage Better.’ It was the easiest way to umbrella the three activities I am concentrating on this year. Only some people want to solidify and grow their businesses; not everyone cares about

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Lemmings Anyone?

Many years ago, I was fired from a ‘spend some time here, then make your own position and make us better’ kind of company. I lasted not even a full five days. Nobody appreciated my take on the competition. Everyone kept expressing their fear and derision about the competition, to which I kept saying, Fuhgeddaboudit!

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Embracing the Unknown with Our Capabilities

As I get closer to completing my manuscript, I suddenly have an epiphany. We all like to know the ending BEFORE we finish the beginning! I haven’t even finished the book, let alone mapped out all the plans behind the book, and I am jumping to the endpoint. Worse, I’ve done this a million times

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Changing Your Thinking

Sitting and thinking about all the different things to write for your Sunday morning read is such a gift. And it is a delight to carve out something that might cause you to pause. This week, someone paused ME. They asked me to tell them concretely what it means to change your thinking. For the

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Hungry to Tickle Your Brain Cells?

So you want to add some excitement to your brain cells?  Lean in, okay? Did you know there is an organization called babyboomer.org? Chances are high; you don’t because it is barely a year old. Imagine! A group launched by babyboomers for babyboomers is barely a year old. What on earth took so long? The

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The Federation of Men

It’s time I apologize to the Federation of Men. Once and for all. You see, I used to think men were dumb; women more intelligent when admitting their inability to stay on a path. Because we all know, a man never gets lost. Among some of his better lines, I think the “I am exploring,”

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Time To Change Your Dream?

About your dream. I relearned another lesson this week. And you may find it helpful. I’ve been researching and taping several upcoming episodes of my podcast Exploring Compassionate Capitalism. And watching the games being played in Egypt as the world leaders try to agree on just one thing. Horribly, I found myself falling deep into

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Purposeful Procrastination

Purposeful Procrastination?  What on earth am I talking about? We all have those days when we just don’t wanna. No matter how important it is that we know to get something done, we don’t have the energy or the reserve to follow through. Know what I mean? I have a trick to get you on

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Keeping Zen-Like

Zen-Like?  What is that?  I see you shaking your head. How many hours have you ever spent trying to change someone’s mind? I’ll wager thousands–if you add them ALL up. And I’ll also wager you were successful in only a handful. Ever wonder why? I ran across this quote from Thich Nhat Hahn, a recently

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Does It REALLY Matter?

This week, I rediscovered an old forgotten technique and thought you might find it helpful. Behind the scenes, I am doing a bit of a rebrand and refreshing my website and all my marketing collateral. We might be two hours away from unveiling the new website. Excitement is in the air! On Wednesday morning, my

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