Where is Your FOCUS Right Now?

BulletProof Consulting

Have you noticed in all the excitement of getting back to work and making money, or just adjusting to the new normal, your to-do list has become super long? And you’re still feeling overwhelmed with everything and wondering how on earth you can get this stuff done? Please let me give you some friendly advice.

News flash! The old rules went out the window! The old way we followed for organizing our priorities, creating and checking off lists and getting things done is now very archaic. Old thinking, outdated thinking. Today, it’s all about focusing on WHAT MATTERS.

So what DOES matter?

Those people who invested in the “Post COVID Success Plan” program know the mantra. Do that which is most easily doable and has the most impact.

For some, it could be adjusting the sales conversion rate; for others, it might mean upgrading all technology. Others could be investing at long last in that inside sales position. And others could be extricating themselves from their real estate and strengthening the cybersecurity at their employees’ home offices. For most, there is some tinkering with messaging to remain relevant and top of mind to customers.

Regardless of what kind of business you own, you only have three priorities that can be dealt with today, this week and this month. Those priorities bring you the highest return, are the simplest to implement and will ensure you are poised for some level of success over the next two years. That is the WHAT on which you focus. Nothing else. Until those three priorities get implanted into your organization, no ‘Yeah buts,’ no ‘I gotta do this too’.

Just stick to three priorities

Then once they are 75% completed, you move on to the next three. Right now, your survival is dependent on your ability to focus solely on your re-prioritized life. Because this re-prioritization is your new way of living for at least the next 18 months. You owe it to yourself, your business and your people. Stay focussed on WHAT MATTERS.

If you would like some help with reprioritizing and shifting your focus to the most significant wins available to you, sign up for the bronze level of the post-COVID Success Plan.  I’d love to help you.

You have already demonstrated your resilience, your strength and your persistence. Now, it’s time to be laser-focused on the WHAT piece. It truly is that simple. 

Change Your thinking

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